Two weekends ago my college friend and bridge partner Jason Rosenfeld came into town from Boston for a weekend of bridge playing. We went out to the regional in Lake Geneva for Saturday and Sunday--here are a couple of problems.
game all
RHO opens a weak 2 Hearts in first postion. What's your approach with this hand?
Sorry for the late follow-up. I think I made a mistake when I posted the defensive problem--I have to confirm with Howard--hopefully I will have more on that later. I am interested to discuss the bidding problem though. I felt uncomfortable overcalling on the first round thinking it was too much of a distortion. I also felt very uncomfortable keeping silent. I decided to apply Jonathan's approach, hoping my partner would read me for this kind of hand. So I passed and LHO bid 2NT. Jason passed and RHO bid 3 Diamonds, alerted and desribed as a "medium hand." Undeterred, I entered with 3 Spades. My LHO thought briefly and doubled, which ended the auction. Jason's hand was a fantastic Qx AKTxx x KJTxx and I was pretty much cold. Plus 730 went well with our teammates' +200 against 4Sx at the other table (my opposite number overcalled 2 Spades). In retrospect I like the way I handled this one--of course the result didn't have to be this great, but I think it gave us a decent shot at figuring out what was going on in this tough auction.
And a defensive problem from my friend Howard Liu in one of the other Saturday knockout matches:
The auction, with your side passing throughout, is: 1H on your left-3H preemptive-4H
Partner leads a 3rd-5th deuce of diamonds to your ten and declarer's queen. Declarer plays a heart to the king...your move.
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On the first one: Without much conviction my choice is to pass, then bid spades at any level up to 4 at my next turn, if any. This could be really bad if lefty bids 4h based on power and partner turns up with stiff spade when I bid 4, but other plans can be bad also.
On the second one: my first impulse was to win this and return a high spade. After some thought, I guess being more passive with a diamond can't hurt and might be right if declarer has AQ QJxxx AQx KQx -- he only has two dummy entries (even if he ruffs the DA) and can't take all his finesses -- maybe he'll hook the spade and later I'll get two club tricks. (Note: I definitely think partner has 5 diamonds -- with no sequence to lead from he almost certainly picked his longest suit.)
winning and continuing diamonds certainly seems right to me. I want to cut off declarer's dummy entry before he establishes the 4th card in one of the black suits.
On the first hand, I'd just close my eyes and pass, planning to pass throughout unless partner can take some action. I expect to lose 15 imps about 15% of the time. Such is life.
Well, if it goes P-4H-P-P it's a tough guess and I wouldn't quarrel with pass. But wouldn't you balance with 3S after 3H-P-P? I'd be comfortable doing that.
You have to pass on the first one, whether you like it or not. Bidding will get you into trouble more often than not.
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